Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Why Yes Mom, I Did See A Barn Quilt In Sac City!

This one was my favorite.

I just can't get enough of Barn Quilts.

Not nearly enough.

PS- BHB- this is a barn quilt. It won't keep you warm. LOL.


Lola Nova said...

Ooh, I love that photograph!

I saw a great one on our Sunday Drive but couldn't get hubby to stop for a photo. Pout.

Boozy Tooth said...

Kind of reminds me of crazy giant Hex Signs. Remember those, or are you too young?

Bet Mom L knows what they are...

bigheadedbob said...

Alix, your right, Hex signs. Got a lot of PA dutch in me, even born in Lancaster, but never heard of the quilts before, must be a Iowa Cur Brethren.

Anonymous said...

Alix, I definitely remember the hex symbols on PA barns! Mom was born and raised in PA Dutch country, so we had lots of trips back to visit relatives. Diane did see them, but she was only about 5 at the time. Maybe that's why she's now fascinated with the barn quilts.

Di - that's a great shot of barn and silo. PS - did B and O come home last night?

Love you!

bigheadedbob said...

Sorry Mom L, that is a crib, not a silo. Cribs are for storing and drying, silos for fermenting. UMMM, me likes fermented stuff.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, BHB - I thought it was too short for a silo!!!

bigheadedbob said...

Remember the Mail Pouch barns?

Anonymous said...

BHB - how old do you think I am?!!!

bigheadedbob said...

Old enough to remember the Mail pouch barns? See how you handle those tricky woman questions B/D?

Anonymous said...

aha, bhb welcme to my hell er life, I to remember mailpouch barns and if we are lucky still see the ocassional rock city barns

Jennifer said...

How neat! I love pictures of old barns.