Thursday, March 19, 2009

Yesterday's Conclusion

...or Introduction rather.

I had been emailing with the Artist of Crying Little Girl, and he told me his Mural "Treasure Hunt" was in Granger, IA....Claire informed me that was not too far from her farm, Whispering Acres, so we decided to go check it out on the way.

Of course it was awesome!

Claire is standing next to the girl, just to give a size reference this time.

I love the etch-a-sketch in the chest!

As I took the next shot below, I literally moved to the left, because I thought the shovel was covering the letter 'B' on the map-so I thought if I moved I could see the whole word 'Buried' took my teenie brain a few seconds to process the fact that the shovel and shadow were both part of the mural.

AMAZING!!!!! I want to find more of these!

I guess all the excitement of seeing the Treasure Hunt made me speed a little, because not 2 minutes after leaving the Mural I got pulled over! OMG cops are killing me lately!

He commented that I was far from home (2.5 hours), and I told him I was visiting my friend Claire and that I had just been photographing The Treasure Hunt.....I guess knowing the name of it impressed him because he only gave me a warning.


I still have not been able to look through the hundreds of animal pics I took on Claire's farm yet, but as soon as I do I will post a link to them I promise. Here are just a few more for now though.

They were all SO CUTE!
Even the dog! Stigley? I can't spell.

And Claire gave me some eggs from her chickens :)

I am waiting for D to get back in town so we can cook up some 'Whispering Omelettes' together!

Claire, thanks again for everything!
I can't wait to visit again someday :)


Jennifer said...

That is just too cool, and so neat you found the person that did them. Love the farm animal pictures!

Lola Nova said...

Ok, too much to comment on. 1. Way to go Queenie of Mayberry! I can't hardly wait to hear more. 2. Super jealous that I didn't get to come along on the adventure. 3. The pics are tremendous! 4. Wait, I was sure there was another thing...
Maybe I should just let you off with a warning

BB said...

Wow. Big stuff - awesome! Be right at home here in Queensland...

Cannot believe you took a pic of a cop, shamelessly posted it, and told us all you got off!!! Hilarious. Also hilarious is the hat the cop is wearing... sorry. Your police uniforms are a riot.

And the animals... wowsa. That's quite a variety of animalia right there. You have quite worn me out.

Anonymous said...

Let's hope Iowan cops don't read blogs. I'm very glad you did a close-up of Claire and the mural because I couldn't find her on the first one - they are incredibly huge!

I still find it amazing that you were able to visit one of your new bloggie friends. And although Luna is still my favorite, that gorgeous curly-horned sheep above Stickley is a very close second. Love you!

Savannah Belle said...

Claire, I love the photos of your animals! I visited your blog too and I love the photos of all your animals. Being an avid gardener I also enjoyed seeing spring bursting forth in you bushes and plants. The birds are beautiful too!

Claire MW said...

Oh wow, what awesome pics. We had a great time indeed!

Nancy - the curly horned sheep is Blizzard, our Icelandic ram. He's a handsome honey isn't he!

Savannah Belle - come for a visit anytime! I am terribly envious of your gardening zone.

Anonymous said...

I love these animal photos & can see these in a baby's room! Maybe for Baby Dean when he's a little older. ; ) So glad you got out of the ticket. I'm sure the cops are a lot nicer in Iowa than Atlanta! - Julie