Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Hall☻ween Y'all!

As the very talented Lola Nova recently put it, "Just playing around whilst awaiting my muse. She's gone missing and I can't do a thing without her."

That must be what has happened to me too!

These last weeks of pregnancy have sucked the CreAtIvE right on out of me.

It pretty much hurts to walk, sit, stand, sleep, move, name it.

So since Halloween is usually a fun day for me, I forced myself to try to do something 'fun' today in the spirit of it all.


Try [
verb, tried, try⋅ing, noun, plural tries.–verb (used with object)
1. to attempt to do or accomplish: Try it before you say it's simple.


I never claimed to be an artist.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Someday I will update this blog.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Note To Self:

Never fly to Atlanta for shoots at 7+ months knocked up again.

Totally exhausted!

But my Bride & Groom were just adorable.

And I did have fun seeing my friends while I was in town too.

I'm just going to block out the part where my airplane seatbelt wouldn't buckle.

For realz.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

More Captions Please!

The next round of submissions for the Hallmark Card Contest starts next week!

I can enter 2 photos geared towards Mother's Day- one being a "card for moms" and the other being "a card for friends who are moms".

Help me with a witty caption and win a print of your choice if I use yours!



They are accepting submissions Oct. 5th-18th so we have some time.

Looking forward to your captions!

I might disappear from Blog World for a bit because I'm getting ready to head to Atlanta in a few days to shoot my last wedding of the year- my last wedding before I become a momma!!!!

Crap, that last sentence just gave me a panic attack.