If anyone loves to find a bargain it's me.....
IT'S ME!!!!
Some call me "thrifty", others call me "frugal".....but most just call me "cheap".
Tomato /Tomahto. Whatever.
I have no problem admitting that most of the toys and clothes I buy for Henry are used. Craigslist, garage sales, thrift stores, hand-me-downs, Goodwill.
You name it, I find it.
The only 'new' things he has are gifts from friends and family.
Poor little orphan.
Recently I discovered a new Goodwill store just over the state line right next to
Hilton Head, SC.
(For those of you not familiar with Hilton Head, it's a place where the rich
and famous hang out). I'm sure you can imagine the
sheer joy I experienced when I discovered this SWANKY new Goodwill....it's so fancy that the dish towels and wash cloths are neatly pressed and folded on hangers. Seriously!
OMG this Goodwill is my new obsession. I need help.
Here's my most recent find...I got everything for under 20 bucks.
Cha-Ching!2 bright and happy dish towels (neatly pressed of course!)
A xylophone for Henry
A Columbia hat for Henry (for our 10 weeks of winter)
KICK ASS big boy cowboy sheets.... 
Henry's 2011 Halloween costume. I might give a prize if someone can guess what it is.

I don't know WTF this thing is-but I'm pretty sure I can't live without it. I love it and I want more.
And finally.......the greatest breadbox ever...
because I didn't even notice the stamp until Darrin made a joke about how this breadbox pretty much described our marriage....
HaHa- good one sweetheart. Kind of goes along with our recent
Valentine fortune doesn't it?
You know what they say......one man's trash IS another man's treasure......right darling?