Friday, January 21, 2011

Out To Lunch

Hi people- Banjo here.
Di wanted me to let you know that she is still trying to blog more in 2011, but right now she and that damn kid that replaced me Henry are in Atlanta for a few days and will be back next week.
Can you believe she left me in charge of her laptop?
OK, gotta go now........naked poodles are calling.


lifeshighway said...

I have heard you can find videos of poodles being shaving in slo' mo'

Note: clean your history before Di comes back.

Mom L said...

Oh, Banjo, my first and favorite granddog! This is your chance to play with all of Henry's toys!!!

Love you,

BB said...

Cute... those poodles don't stand a chance!

Prairie Painter said...

That is soooo funny Diane - love that Banjo!

Say, you missed the 20 below zero this morning up here in Iowa! Sorry! ;)