If I've seemed a bit preoccupied lately, it's because I've been working on a very special project.
I wanted to see if it was possible to experience the thrill of Coney Island without having to travel all the way to New York. I must say the experiment was a complete success! I'd like to share the process with everyone because it's very simple and takes no time at all.
Here's what you'll need:
winter blues
nicotine withdrawals
cabin fever
First, mix your PMS with your winter blues and let simmer for approx. 24 hours. Next, add a dash of nicotine withdrawals and blend well. Finally, toss in some cabin fever and VoilĂ !!!
You're on an emotional roller coaster!!!!

***Individual results may vary.
***Please consult your husband before trying this at home.
Hmmmm....sounds fun. NOT!
I hate roller coasters. Well, I can't actually say that, because I've never actually been on one (well emotional maybe but not the real thing). I haven't been on one because just looking at them gives me heart palpitations and breath strangling fear. So it is unlikely that I will ever actually get on one. I have been on a couple of log flumes. That is about my outer limit of scary.
I think you need a sheep or two to get you off your roller coaster.
awwwwwwwwwwww. i bet d is SO excited to be around you right now b/c i can only imagine the peach you are. for better or for worse, d. for better or for worse.
Oh, dear! Does Mommy need to send you some Pamprin or Motrin or - even better - some chocolate!???
Is this why D had to go inspect bridges this week?
As for cabin fever, find a wagon and hitch your 3 muscular racing dogs to it and let them pull you over Loess and dale! Oh, and yes to what Claire said - get a sheep! Love you!
have ya got your ebay store up and running yet?
Just cuz I know you're in such a bad frame of mind....I did a new blog post ESPECIALLY for you.
Hang in there!
yes chocolate would be nice.
and no, ebay store nowhere near up and running :(
and claire-i just read your post-
I do love roller coasters. Especially the really old creeky ones that race super fast and are over way too quick - like my youth...oops, my issues are showing. I jest but, I am having a hell of ride today myself. Cheers and chocolate!
she moves her body like a cyclone...gay song. also appropriate.
hang in there captain courageous. it goes away.
I like roller coasters but this does not sound like a fun one at all! I think you should get a goat too!
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