When my mom suggested the name Woody, I burst out laughing and she looked at me funny... her mind doesn't dwell in the gutter like mine does.
Woody pretty much just hangs out near the front porch and stares at the road.
Pretty boring. Until today when I went out to bring him his coffee, I saw this.

2 little Woodys at his feet! SO tiny and cute!

Now, I'm not sure who the mother is but I have a pretty good idea....this little lady has been hanging around since we moved in.

I'm pretty sure she is the culprit.
And there you have it, another fine story brought to you by a nicotine filled slumber-thanks patch.
Moving on to today's 'Did It' from my '2 tears in a Bucket List'....
#4-Take a whale watching trip.

now you've got:
wooda, coulda, shoulda
good names! did the mailman have anything to do with them?
Oh my, they definitely have their Daddy's good looks - nice solid build, sturdy looking. They are not quite the sit-on-your-lap type, but I could bring over a baby goat sometime, to make up for that, if you would like. I may have some to spare...
I, too, wondered if Mr. Mailman was behind this - even before I saw Mother Nature's comment!!! And that's a cute comment from Joanna.
This takes me back to Sammy, your widowed pet mouse who had a "lady" field mouse invade his pad and leave babies! And I DO know what a woody is....
Wooden mammals... what a great idea. That would confuse the hey out of our squillion horses and cattle. Who all require feeding (often hay) every day. Every FREAKING DAY... I'm a bit jealous of non-eating animals.
Oh mice! I love mice! You haven't told the mouse story on your blog yet. Come on, tell us the mouse story, now that your mom let the mouse out of the bag...
Claire, I'll have to dig thru all the sh**t I've got stuffed in boxes to find MY original mouse story - about the first one Diane received when she was 5. Yep - it escaped even before we got home from the store, but was eventually recovered. If I find it I'll scan it and send to you guys!!! But Diane has a better handle on writing these things.
i am naming the babies Coulda and Shoulda! my very own wooden mammals.
and no, mr. mailman didn't bring them, i bought them when i was in atlanta a few weeks ago at my fave store where woody came from- they were half off-couldn't resist. the guy who came to fill our propane tank loved them-
and claire- yeah i had pet mice when i was a girl. lots of them. i think samantha had 18 babies one time. of course she ate half of them. i LOVED mice then. NOT the case now- at least not the ones hiding in my walls ; (
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