I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Because you're mine, I walk the line.

I find it very, very easy to be true
I find myself alone when each day is through
Yes, I'll admit that I'm a fool for you
Because you're mine, I walk the line.

As sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
And happiness I've known proves that it's right
Because you're mine, I walk the line.

You've got a way to keep me on your side
You give me cause for love that I can't hide
For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide
Because you're mine, I walk the line.
My favorite song.
And my new 'get off my ass theory' for 2009.
This is what I mean by a good walk around the 'backyard'....

It is a LONG walk around our 'backyard' (17 acres). I'm not lyin'.
Check me out having SO MUCH FUN.... exercising in bitter cold and all. Really!
See- I'm LOVING it......

No, really I am...

I can handle the snow. Believe it!
Look out 2009, I am a new woman!
P.S. ...I just decided that a 'Did It' per day was way too much- because I know I'd run out of fun 'Did Its' in a hurry at that rate. So how 'bout a 'Did It' per week (give or take) or so? Much better I say. So for this week's awesome 'Did It' from my '2 tears in a Bucket List'.......
#9- Take a pic of Samuel L. Jackson posing with my foot.

*Note: I was lucky enough to shoot a fundraiser 3 years in a row where Samuel was the main guest....the second year I actually brought above pic with me and asked Samuel to autograph it.... He said, "I don't know, if I sign this you might sell it on Ebay for $1,000 or something"(with a big grin)- and I was like, "Come on Samuel- Nobody is going to pay $1,000 for a picture of my damn foot".
So he signed it.

Wow, you go girl!! I am very envious of your 17 acres. I only have half of that. :-( Imagine all the sheep I could have if I had 17 acres. I wish I lived closer to you, maybe you would inspire me to go walking with you so I could shed my freshman 15(+). That's the trouble with going back to school late in life, you get that weight back even when you're a freshman for the 4th time...
You need a scarf!!! Banjo needs a coat and booties! Have Claire tell you how she made Stickley's vest - get a sewing machine and start learning!! You could have mine, but it's at least 32 years old, and last time I tried to use it, well, you know what happened (or didn't happen!)
Love you!
I am going to begin knitting tonight!! Haven't done that for a long time but I see the need. I agree with Mom L, you and D both need scraves and hats!!! I have Tayler's beginners knitting book I will send you. And yarn along with needles. That will keep your hands busy so you can't smoke. My favorite sewing machine is 38&1/2 years old. I had another for a short time and couldn't stand it. I have spent hours and hours cussing over this machine and if I could learn, you can too, I know it! Think of those poor dogs. By the way, Popeeno would love to have Banjo for a while. He is a little embarrassed not having a manly dog. Where are the pics of the newest member of the family?? The treadmill and what have you named it?? Can it be printed?
Love you,
omg that sam jackson pic is the most awesomest thing i've ever seen! i'm linking to it tomorrow...
In honor of your great attitude re: quitting smoking, among other things, I nominated your blog for the Lemonade Stand Award tonight. See my blog for details....
Good night - I realize I forgot to comment on your song. Is it your favorite because Grandpa used to sing it to Gram?
And congratulations on your award from Claire.
Love you!
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