I read an article that said, "the typical person has 50 unused items worth $3,000 right in their homes, according to eBay." I know right. But it got me thinking about that TBS show Junkin that I used to love to watch, and how I could gather all of my junk for a 'virtual garage sale'... and why not sell my prints, note cards, calendars, photo stuff too? Why not have an Ebay storefront that will have fun junk AND art for sale? Why Not?
So I got an Ebay storefront but before I can set it up I have to give it a name, and the name can't be changed once I register it.
Oh the pressure!
I like my "Loess Is More" theme so I thought "More Or Loess Junk" would be funny. But I guess calling my photography 'Junk' is probably not good.
I need a catchy name so I can get movin' on this...or else it's just going to end up in the can along with the rest of my
Like my Lizzie greeting card line...

or my 'Trailer Park Yard Art" coffee table book......

or my funny post cards of zoo animals....

.....just to name a few.
I know, Loess talk, more action!
Anyone got an idea for a store name??
I want a Lizzie greeting card. Faced with one of those, I would be powerloess to resist buying it.
I'm in legal, not marketing. I can write your legal disclaimers. I can't come up with store names. It's not in my contract.
OK...How about:
More or Loess great stuff for sale
Loess stuff equals Moe Money
I O Wa so I Sella
yep, it's harder than one would think
Ok..one more
Dodds and Ends For Sale
for petes sake or help feed banjo
Well..if ya want to get really silly
For Pete's Sake, Olive this stuff, Banjou will, too!
Ok, as your legal advisor/consultant, I have a recommendation.
Priceloess Treasures.
Or just "Priceloess"
See, this works for your art photography, as well as your crazy stuff.
But of course, this is not a name suggestion. This is a legal recommendation. Totally different animal. Woof.
I was going to make the suggestion of "More for Loess" but I like Claire's ideas! Priceloess treasures is really cute!
wow- thanks for all of the great ideas! tammy- dodds and ends is pretty good :)
and claire- i LOVE priceloess treasures!
now i have to get movin on my store, no excuses.
i want to start signing my name
Sorry I haven't commented, Punkin. Still sick. So very sick....yecchh. Can't think. Love you
How about: Olive PB & D's
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