do do do do da da da.....doot, do do dah dah doo dum.

do do do do da da da.....doot, do do dah dah doo dum....
Ummmm.....What is 'Crockpotting' and 'Exercise'????
(loud clapping noise and balloons falling from the ceiling)
You got it-cooking a meal from scratch and THEN walking it off!
Is it Jeopardy? Or the Twilight Zone??!!!
You decide.
Thank you for my award. I feel so humbled.
I've got your dogs tacked up on my bulletin board here at the office. You need to spin, knit, and make some dog sweaters for 'em, they don't have much fur for this artic weather. Follow Caire's tutorials.
actually I was looking online at one of those knitting machines, just crank it out.
You crack me up. I love my crockpot. It is perfect for this sort of weather. Come home from work and dinner is done. Yay. I have an elliptical machine in the basement. I must re-acquaint myself with it. Regularly. Very, very regularly. It's just that I'm busy, with work, and school, and goats, and spinning, and felting, and chickens, and...
My stew goes in the crockpot tomorrow - even with just me (and the cat), I couldn't live without it. As you know, I use my oven for storage....
That's your new treadmill? OMG, it looks like a 41[]41-=[[ oops - Emma just commented - time machine!! Wow. Get on board, hit some buttons, and shazam! You're 30 pounds lighter!!! Do you need to get a special driver's license for it? Can D use it at work as a submersible? Love you!
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