Today I am working on a 'Do It' and I've finally got some pictures ready to submit to the 2010 Loess Hills Calendar. For some reason I love this picture but can't decide between color or black and white. I need some input, and if you don't like either version let me know that too.

Well, that's all I've got for today. Nothing exciting to report.
And here is today's 'Did It' from my
'2 tears in a Bucket List'.
#3- Go horseback riding in Costa Rica.
I'm usually all for your b&w photos, but in this case I like the color version, as it has better contrast between the amazing sky and the ground. Of course, I'm no photographer, so listen to what your other friends say first! Love you!
I like the color photo best.
OK, your Moms have spoken!!!
Mom's might not always know best but we do know what we like!
I'm with your mom(s?)
I love both, but the tint of the green in the bale netting just clinches it for me. I love how it almost looks like it could be one of those old fashioned hand tinted photos like my grandfather did. The blue tint in the sky, the green tint on the bales, the yellowish golden tint to the corn. Oh yes, the color one. But let me also say, I just LOVE the new header photo on the blog! FAB!
Hey (hay?), come to think of it, I know a nice little acreage that offers cool photo opps of llamas and goats and stuff like that. It even has a river otter in the pond in summer. I bet you would just love to visit that place to take some nice photos of the owners and their livestock in non-posed-looking photos....yeah, I could even ask them for you! I'm REALLY well acquainted with them.
(wondering how innocent all that sounded....)
ok mom and mom-in-law- color it is.
and claire- you had me at 'otter'...which is just about my fave little animal of all time. would love to visit and take pics! :)
And don't forget the adorable new ducks, Claire! And since Diane wants to get a goat this spring, she needs to visit you for "kid classes".
anyway to have BOTH color AND black and white versions in your calander?
Did you take the new header picture on this blog?
mother nature aka s.b.- yes i took that, can't remember the exact spot but somewhere on our scenic byway. i think it is near the place you hiked up your pant leg like a gangster-remember??
beth- i guess i could submit both versions to the calendar, why not?
i think you should also submit the new blog photo. that is so pretty. also may the one with the pant leg--well, maybe not. loess folks may not understand.
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