Today I was feeling a little sad for my
kids dogs as I watched them tip toe around on sore, scabby, bloody little paws from their 10 hour excursion yesterday.... so it was a perfect day to receive The Butterfly Award. Thank you
Goats In The Garden for making ME smile today!! If only you could send me a fainting goat named Myrtle my life would be complete. I've always wanted a fainting goat.
Now I need to start working on my nominees.....but in the meantime, here is a random picture that has nothing to do with anything.
The year was 1986 and I was just a young teenager. I wasn't just
any teenager mind you...
oh no, I was a teenager with a dog, a camera, and a dream.
Behold......... 'Tootsie'
Congratulations! 2 awards in your first 4 months of blogging! I am sooo proud of you, your photography, your writing. Princess would also be proud to see her "Tootsie" photo on your blog! I hope you can find a way to work in all of those delightful photos. And if you ever get that whole musical slideshow in a format you can post on YouTube or Facebook, that would be heaven! And as your Mom I can brag - you were a teenager who won all the high school level competitions until you tied for the top place nationally! Love you!
gee thanks mom.
diane then sighs, rolls her eyes, and mumbles. "if it's not one thing, it's your mother".
love you mom!
Awwww...this is so cute, I feel like I'm interrupting a family moment.
But seriously, Tootsie cracked me up!
Granma nearly got ran over by three reindeer this morning! They came from an empty lot. Luckily I was watching and Daisy Mae & I stopped in time and waited for them to cross the street into Mike's yard. That's ten since deer season ended. Now I have it figured out--they are doing that just to pick on Mike--NANA NANA BOO BOO. Ya missed us now, ya missed us, now ya gotta kiss us!
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